Unisanta: The biggest university on the coast of São Paulo

The Santa Cecilia University (Unisanta), which is included in the Excellence Group of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education (MEC), reaffirms the quality of its undergraduate and postgraduate pedagogical project, its infrastructure and the brilliant performance of its Teachers, students, alumni, and staff. Only 9% of Brazilian Universities are part of this Group.

Since 1961, the modest school has gradually transformed into the Santa Cecília Educational Complex, the oldest in the Baixada Santista and one of the most important in the country, with approximately 15 thousand students, from early childhood education to Graduate Education, and about 100 thousand square meters of built area.

Currently, the University offers 37 higher level courses, between traditional and short-term (face-to-face and distance courses), as well as numerous Extension, Lato Sensu, MBA and Masters courses, unanimously approved by CAPES: Ecology and Coastal Systems and the Professional in Mechanical Engineering.

The two master's degrees attend the country's current needs. The Ecology master's degree in environmental and sustainable development field and engineering that aims to train engineers to the ever more complex requirements of the Pre-Salt and other promising economic sectors of the economy Brazilian.

But the experience of Unisanta in the field of masters is previous, through partnerships with reputed institutions, such as the interinstitutional agreement with the Polytechnic School of USP and institutions of the European Union.

"The history of the institution is made with boldness and some more significant dates"

The seed of the Educational Complex was Santa Cecília College, founded on May 16, 1932. In 1961, the small primary school, with 26 students, started to be maintained by the Santa Cecília Educational Association, headed by the Teixeira family, led by Milton and Nilza Teixeira, an educators couple and the teacher Emilia Pirilo. A new time began, with a progressive increase in students, the improvement of the quality of teaching in the old preschool and the creation of new courses at all levels.

The property where the primary school functioned in the early 60's was reacquired in 2012 by the Institution and houses social actions in partnership with municipalities and entities to serve, in addition to becoming a center of memories.

On October 15, 1969, with the creation of the ISESC (Santa Cecília Higher Education Institute), the commitment assumed with education, culture and the advancement of knowledge was extended to higher education. The first course was Engineering, the first night course of the Region, created in 1971.

The idea of the ISESC and the group of engineers and university professors was to prepare their student workers, training them as capable and critical men who provided scientific, technical and social support to the growing industrial expansion in Cubatão and neighboring cities, joining to the largest port of South America, in Santos.

Through Ordinance No. 420, dated June 11, 1996, the Institution becomes Santa Cecilia University, crowning the dream begun 35 years earlier by the Teixeira family.

The Faculties, with their various Courses, Organs and Centers, were consolidating in terms of quality of teaching, research and extension. About 1500 teachers and administrative staff work in the Complex.

The investment in state-of-the-art technologies, the constant modernization of its facilities with air-conditioned rooms and laboratories and Wi-Fi technology, the permanent improvement of the teaching staff and the prompt service to the community's wishes are trademarks of the Santa Cecília Educational Complex, which is formed by the Santa Cecília high school (Infant Education, Elementary and Middle School), Santa Cecília University - Unisanta (Graduation and Post Graduation) and the Santa Cecilia Communication System (Radio and Educational TV). Not to mention the achievements in the sport, which keep Unisanta in the first place among the university swimming forces in the country.

The Rector Sílvia Teixeira Penteado, the President Lúcia Teixeira, the Vice-President Maria Cecília Teixeira and the Pro-Rector Marcelo Teixeira, sons of the founding couple of the Complex, are present at each stage of the Institution, leading and accompanying the growth of the great Complex Educational, from the beginning of its foundation.